Sebon approves IPO of Joshi and Shuvam hydropower companies for Local affected people
Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has approved the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Joshi Hydropower Development Company and Shuvam Power Ltd. for local affected people.
Joshi Hydropower Development Company
The company has received sebon's approval to float an IPO of 3.71 lakh units. The company was granted an approval on 28th Chaitra, 2075. Siddhartha Capital Ltd. has already been appointed as the issue manager for the issue. The isssued amount will be 10% of the company's capital.
Shuvam Power Ltd.
Shuvam Power Ltd. has received an approval from Sebon to issue an IPO of 2 lakh units. The company was granted an approval along with Joshi hydropower on 28th Chaitra,2075. CBIL Capital has been appointed as the issue manager for the issue. The issued amount will be 10% of the company's capital.