Last day to grasp 33% bonus shares of Everest Bank limited.

Today is the last day to grasp 33% bonus share of Everest Bank Limited.
The company had announced book closure from poush 13 to poush 20, 2074. Thus, shareholders holding shares before the day of book Closure i.e poush 12 will be entitle for 33% bonus shares, and also bank has distributed 1.74% cash dividend for tax purpose.
AGM date: Poush 28, 2074
Time: 11:00 AM
Venue: Lainchaur Banquet, Kathmandu
Main Agenda:
- Financial highlight of FY 2073/74
- To ratify 33% bonus
Everest Bank Limited(EBL) current paid-up capital is Rs 6.11 arba which will hike to 8.13 arba after this bonus shares.
The last traded price was Rs 1,107