Surya Life Insurance to issue 70% right shares; Book closure on 17 Ashard.

Surya Life Insurance has decided to issue 70% right shares to its shareholders. The right shares will be issued on the total capital of 1.13 arba which includes 40% right and 12% bonus shares.
The company paid-up capital will hike to 1.92 arba after capitalization of 70% right shares. The issuance is subject to approval from upcoming AGM.
As per the company notice, the shareholders' book will remain closed from 17 Ashard to 23 Ashard, 2075 for the stated purpose. Shareholders owning the shares before the book closure will be eligible for right issue.
10 th AGM will be conducted on Ashard 32, 2075 at Hotel Harrison palace at 11:00 AM.